Counselling with Lisa Cregan

Counselling with Lisa Cregan

Affordable, warm and professional counselling by a qualified counsellor. I specialise in supporting people with NDIS, chronic health conditions ,chronic pain depression and anxiety.

Profession Counsellor, Accredited Social Worker
Speciality Mental Health , NDIS
Attadale, WA, Western Australia 6156
Special Services
Counselling with Lisa Cregan
Counselling with Lisa Cregan

Affordable, warm and professional counselling by a qualified counsellor. I specialise in supporting people with NDIS, chronic health conditions ,chronic pain depression and anxiety.

Profession Counsellor, Accredited Social Worker
Speciality Mental Health , NDIS


Attadale, WA, Western Australia 6156
Special Services
Counselling with Lisa Cregan

Additional information

Do you require support and guidance with disability, ageing or chronic health-related conditions? I am a qualified Counsellor and Accredited Social Worker. My background includes providing counselling and disability and aged-care service delivery with State and Local government agencies. Although my expertise is in the disability sector, I love working with people from all walks of life. I regularly receive referrals from people of various faiths and cultural backgrounds, nationalities, genders and sexualities, and I am aware of the challenges faced by first and second generation migrants. I offer a holistic, non-judgemental, patient and supportive approach, and I take confidentiality and privacy very seriously. Feel free to book in for a free 15-minute chat to get to know me and see if you feel we will work well together.

Qualifications Bachelor of Social Work Diploma of Counselling
Professional Association Membership AASW
Years of experience 15 years
Company Name Counselling with Lisa Cregan


Attadale, WA, Western Australia 6156
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